
  • TeachUP interview series: Aivar Hiio

    Aivar Hiio is working as a project manager for the Innovation Centre of HITSA - the Information Technology Foundation for Education, the Estonian partner in the TeachUP project.

  • TeachUP interview series: Nena Karagianni

    Nena Karagianni works as Project Manager at the Computer Technology Institute and Press ''Diophantus - the Greek partner institution of the TeachUP project.

  • TeachUP monthly interview series: Rasa Nedzinskaitė

    The TeachUP April interview features Doctor Rasa Nedzinskaitė, Lecturer at Department of Education and Philosophy at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

  • TeachUP interview series : Almudena Vincente Franqueira

    In the following months, a series of monthly interviews with project partner representatives will be conducted, collecting valuable insights from professionals in the fields of Initial Teacher Education and Continuous Professional Development.

  • TeachUP teachers' recruitment and presentation video

    In a continuously evolving world, teachers have to adapt to their new role in the classroom; rethink methodologies and innovate their teaching practices throughout their careers.

  • TeachUP 1st workshop for national coordinators

    National coordinators from 10 countries participated in the first workshop held on 22nd February in Brussels.

  • TeachUP 4th partners' meeting

    The 4th TeachUP partners' meeting has successfully taken place on 22nd-23rd February in Brussels.

  • TeachUP Deliverable D1.4: Guidelines for Country Dialogue Labs

    The Dialogue Labs provide opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing and co-creation between ITE and CPD organisations and other relevant stakeholders.

  • TeachUP Deliverable D1.1b: Self-Regulated Learning Online

    The Self-Regulated Learning Online report aims to cover several important dimensions in defining, promoting, and evaluating self-regulated learning, and more specifically self-regulated learning (SLR) online.

  • TeachUP Deliverable D1.1a: The changing role and competences of teachers

    The TeachUP Scientific and Advisory Committee (SAC) designed an ITE and CPD Provision Questionnaire. The aim of the survey was to identify any gaps in ITE and CPD provision in four priority areas:
