TeachUP interview series: António José Osório

António has experience and works on initial and in-service teacher training, as well as in master and doctoral courses in the field of ICT in education and educational technology. He is also doing educational research on ICT in education and on educational technology, including researching about e–learning and online collaborative learning environments.

He is responsible for the co-ordination of several national and international projects concerning the implementation of ICT in a variety of educational contexts and currently supervises half a dozen master degree projects and a dozen doctoral research thesis.

What are, in your view, the main challenges teachers have to face in their new roles?
Teachers need to know what their role is, instead of having to know what their job used to be. Then, they need to figure out why their role is like it is. Furthermore, teachers need to imagine proper ways to comply with their role and also why those strategies or options are adequate for the purpose.

 How can Teach-UP help to overcome these challenges?
TeachUP can help through any kind of suggestion, opportunity, activity or initiative to allow and enable teachers to think of their roles and to imagine fine and proper ways to figure out how to successfully achieve their purposes.

Could you tell us a few words about your work, and how your organisation's experience contributes to TeachUP?
My institution has a very strong record of integrating content knowledge, psycho-pedagogical, contextualised reflection and technologically-supported teaching practice opportunities for our intense teacher training projects. We can certainly share our experiences by illustrating what we think is successful and also by asking for others' views on what we didn't achieve.

And, finally, three words that best describe you?
May I have eight words? They would be: few answers, some experience, and lots of questions!