TeachUP Partners
TeachUP is coordinated by European Schoolnet. 17 partners in 10 countries are part of this project.

| European SchoolnetEuropean Schoolnet is the coordinator of the TeachUP project. EUN is a network of 34 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels, Belgium. As a not-for-profit organisation, it aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. In TeachUP, EUN will be responsible for ensuring the quality and efficiency of the project's processes and outputs in order to guarantee the results aimed for by the Partners' Consortium are achieved and their dissemination. |
Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP), Italy Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP) is one of the seven research centres of the Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK). FBK is a private research organisation founded in 2008, in Trento (Italy) and is funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento to operate in research fields for contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the cultural and economic development at local, national and international level. FBK-IRVAPP's scientific mission includes: a) public policy evaluation through rigorous counterfactual approaches; b) dissemination of findings within the broader scientific community; c) promotion of the culture of causal inference in social and economic research; and d) training of Ph.D. students, scholars, civil servants and policy makers on principles of and methods for counterfactual policy evaluation. |
The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) The Federal Ministry of Education Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung - BMBWF), is responsible for the Austrian school system. The responsibilities in the area of education cover the entire school system, from primary school to the completion of secondary school education, as well as university colleges of teacher education. Adult education and lifelong learning also fall within their sphere of responsibility. BMB focuses not only on the general education system but also on technical and vocational education including schools for engineering, arts, business, tourism, agriculture etc. The Federal Ministry of Education cooperates with organisations focusing on education at European and international level. Activities of BMB are also related to teaching material, teacher controlling and school law, political education and educational research and quality development. Within the Ministry, the department "IT-Didactics and Digital Media" is in charge of implementing information and communication technologies in education. The Department organises many conferences regularly in different provinces on national level for teachers of all levels of educations and is also responsible for the Federal centre eEducation Austria it represents a network of 500 schools (primary, secondary) with focus on school development and digital competences and a network of support (elearning, IT-didactics) at regional level for schools. |
The Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA), Estonia The Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA) is a non-profit association established by the Republic of Estonia, the University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, Eesti Telekom and the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications. The role of the HITSA is to ensure that the graduates at all levels of education obtain digital competencies necessary for the development of economy and society and that possibilities offered by ICT are skilfully used in teaching and learning, which helps improve the quality of learning and teaching at all levels of education. HITSA initiates and guides innovation and development in its area of activities and introduces the best practices. They represent Estonia in international cooperation projects and initiatives in the field of information technology and education. |
Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (CTI), Greece Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (CTI) is a non-profit R&D organization, supervised by the Greek Ministry of Education. Founded in 1985 and based in Patras and Athens, CTI targets specific areas of computer science and technology. Placing particular emphasis in education, its institutional role includes the strategic design and management of the major national programmes: In-Service Teachers' ICT Training; Greek School Network; Schools' IT Support; Schoolbooks; The Digital School. Two CTI Directorates will contribute to TeachUP project: the "Training & Certification" and the "Telematics & Applications for Regional Development". The former, designs and runs national B-Level ICT Teacher Trainings and Certifications on the pedagogical use of digital technologies, which involve b-learning models and in-classroom application. |
Educational Authority (OH), Hungary Educational Authority is a background institution of the Ministry of Human Capacities, and it provides services for public and higher education. It is responsible among others for the organization of student admission processes, baccalaureate exams, national measurements and student competitions. The Authority maintains national databases about schools, students and teachers. The institution is also responsible for the accreditation and registration of in-service teacher training courses. The Authority operates the Sulinet website, which provides digital content, news and community functions for public education. Sulinet aims to find answers to 21st century challenges and drive innovation in education. |
National Agency for Education, Lithuania National Agency for Education (Agency) is educational assistance institution founded by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Science of the Republic of Lithuania. The budgetary institution National Agency for Education was established by merging the former Education Development Centre, National Centre for Special Needs Education and Psychology, Education Supply Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, National Examination Centre, Centre of Information Technologies in Education and National Agency for School Evaluation.The work of the Agency has started on September 1, 2019.At the moment the mission of Agency is to take part in implementation of the State pre-school, pre-primary and general education policies, induce education institutions (except for higher education institutions) and other education providers to ensure quality of education by providing informational, counselling, qualification improvement and (self-)education environment building assistance, conducting education monitoring and education research, developing the education content, and coordinating its implementation. |
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) What distinguishes Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) is our visionary approach towards organising studies, scientific research and academic community life. Scholars from Lithuania and abroad who participated in the reestablishment of VMU in 1989 have also defined our principles, which we have been following ever since: a commitment to foster a liberal and democratic learning environment, emphasising the importance of aesthetics, honesty, tolerance and independent thought. We promote these ideals while nurturing creativity, academic progress and cultural identity within our community. VMU is a comprehensive university devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, research, arts and innovation, and fostering critical thinking, imaginative response as well as the desire and capacity for lifelong learning of our students who will have an impact on the world, locally and globally. |
The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE), Malta The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) in Malta provides present and future generations with the necessary skills and talents for citizenship and employability, in the 21st century and beyond. The MEDE's mission is to develop children's potential and to increase their knowledge and competencies. The Department of Curriculum Management (DCM) within MEDE is responsible for all the curriculum aspects of the state sector in Malta. The DCM includes 50 Education Officers who are the curricular experts for the different subjects taught in primary and secondary schools. Their role is to provide professional support to teachers through regular observation visits, professional training and setting of national annual examination papers. The Department has been pivotal in the formulation of the National Curriculum Framework and in its current implementation. The Department also plays an advisory role in the policy making process. |
The Teachers Training Centre of the Association of Schools Centro-Oeste (CFAE), Portugal The Teachers Training Centre of the Association of Schools Centro-Oeste (CFAE) is a public entity for the Training and Certification of Professionals of the Portuguese Educational System. It compromises of schools from the municipalities of Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Óbidos and Peniche and it includes 2000 teachers. The CFAE aims to support the associated schools in elaboration of their training programmes, operationalization and organization of continuous training of educational professionals and teachers' evaluation. It is also a recognized Training Centre by the national authorities on the development and certification of ICT competences. By participating in international training project, the CFAE aims to improve the levels of training of the European teachers in what concerns the usage of ICT and co-operative work in every classroom. |
Directorate-General for Education (DGE) of the Portuguese Ministry of Education DGE is the Directorate-General for Education of the Portuguese Ministry of Education. The DGE is responsible for ensuring the implementation of policies on educational and didactic component of pre-school education, primary and secondary education and extra-curricular education, providing technical support for the formulation and monitoring and evaluating its implementation, as well as coordination of tests and examinations planning. DGE's Team for Educational Technology and Resources is in charge of designing, developing and evaluating initiatives and projects related to the use of digital tools and resources in education. It fosters the implementation of new methodologies in the classroom supported by technology, for all students and teachers, and is a partner in several European projects. |
The University of Minho (UMinho), Portugal The University of Minho (UMinho) was founded in 1973 and is nowadays one of the most important and prestigious universities in Portugal. It is renowned for the competence and quality of its faculty and for the level of excellence in research as well as the wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses offered including international programs involving prestigious institutions from several countries. The University is also well known for a remarkable degree of interaction with other institutions and the society in general and has a long and soundly-based experience in coordinating and participating in several EU programmes. UMinho has three campuses, which cover a student population of around 20000 and 1200 teaching and research staff. The University's organisational structure is flexible, conducive to innovation, and interdisciplinary, favouring the exploration of emerging research areas. UMinho education and research projects have gained strong international recognition and are supported by a close interaction with many other research centres worldwide. The Times Higher Education 150 under 50 University Ranking 2016 ranked UMinho on the 101th position worldwide. |
Methodological and Pedagogical Centre (MPC), Slovakia Methodological and Pedagogical Centre (MPC) as an Institute for In-Service Teachers' Education and Training, was set up for the provision and fulfilment of tasks within the area of professional and career development of teachers and reports directly to the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. Professional staff of MPC compromises of teacher trainers and experienced qualified teachers. Main activities of MPC include the implementation of the systemic changes in the professionalization of the teacher profession; the offer of various continual educational programs; provision of exams for attestations; research in the field of education and professional development of teachers; publishing of teaching materials and evaluation of the experience with the continual education among employees. The MPC also organizes seminars, conferences and workshops. The Centre constantly improves the educational standards in Slovakia by participating in various national and European projects. |
The University of Žilina (UNIZA), Slovakia The University of Žilina (UNIZA) consists of seven faculties, which offer 231 fields of study in all forms and degrees. At present there are about 9,000 students being educated at the University. In the field of science and research, the University participates in 200 national and 41 international scientific projects and organises about 60 scientific and professional events annually. The University of Žilina is the most successful university within the Erasmus Programme, both in the number of seconded staff and students. UNIZA has an ambition to continue in dynamic growth, to provide high quality education, to educate well-prepared and demanded graduates, to develop international cooperation in both science and education; however, its major aim is primarily to provide space and opportunities for the young generation to discover new horizons, to learn how to cooperate, communicate and respect each other. |
The National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), Spain The National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training is the unit of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Education and Training responsible for the integration of ICT in the non-university educational stages. INTEF is responsible for co-constructing the instructional design of the online courses in this project, as well as providing guidelines for Country Labs hosting and organization. Being responsible for the Planning side of TeachUP, INTEF will also be in charge of gathering and compiling cross-country reports. |
The Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Directorate General of Innovation and Educational Technologies (YEGITEK) is one of the largest department of the Ministry in terms of capacities, service areas and access to schools, students and teachers in the Turkish education system. Directorate General of Innovation and Educational Technologies is a public institution under the Turkish Ministry of National Education and supports education system by implementing the following activities: Supporting teaching and learning by using educational technologies appropriate to formal education curriculum programmes; Investigating and evaluating new educational technologies and developments to use in schools across Turkey; Ensuring that educational technology opportunities are widely and effectively used by teachers and learners; Carrying out studies on the usage of ICT in education; Organising and developing in-service teacher training activities for ICT use in education. |
The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) was one of the first teaching councils in the world when it was set up in 1965. In 2012, the GTCS became the world's first independent, self-regulating body for teaching. GTCS carries out a wide range of statutory functions and initiatives to promote support and develop the professional learning of teachers. The main functions include maintaining a register of all teachers in state and private schools; setting the Professional Standards expected of all teachers; accrediting programmes leading to the award of GTCS Standards, including Initial Teacher Education programmes; overseeing the placements of students on teaching practice and probationers on induction programmes; and advising the Scottish Government on matters relating to teachers and teacher professionalism. The GTCS promotes and supports teachers' professional learning and teacher professionalism through a system of Professional Update (signing off teachers' professional learning every five years) and a range of seminars, conferences, and research activities. Scottish teachers are supported by many GTCS services including events, informative websites and the publication of the Teaching Scotland magazine five time/year. |
Project coordinator:
- European Schoolnet (BE)
Research organisation:
- Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP) (IT)
Partners: Ministries/agencies and Universities – the 10 countries taking part in the pilots:
- Austria - The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
- Estonia - The Information Technology Foundation for Education (HITSA)
- Greece - Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (CTI)
- Hungary - Educational Authority (OH)
- Lithuania - Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (LEU) and Education Development Centre (EDC)
- Malta - The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) - The Department of Curriculum Management (DCM)
- Portugal - The Teachers Training Centre of the Association of Schools Centro-Oeste (CFAE), Ministry of Education (ME) and The University of Minho (UMinho)
- Slovakia - Methodological and Pedagogical Centre (MPC) and The University of Žilina (UNIZA)
- Spain - The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport - The National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF)
- Turkey - The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) - Directorate General of Innovation and Educational Technologies (YEĞİTEK)
Advisory partner:
Scientific Advisory Committee: informing the project based on evidence and research
- Policy experimentation methodology: David Azzolini, Enrico Rettore – FBK-IRVAPP (IT)
- Teachers' new roles and competences: Janet Looney, European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP, FR)
- Instructional design: Professor Kay Livingston, University of Glasgow (UK)
- Practitioner relevance: Yves Beernaert, Educonsult (BE)
- Self-regulated learning online: Koen Lombaerts, Jeltsen Peeter, Karen Triquet: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
- Reform of teacher training – content and delivery: Ken Muir and Ellen Doherty, GTCS (UK)
Associate Partners:
The TeachUP project is a European Policy Experimentation co-funded by the European Commission via the Erasmus+ programme. This website reflects the views only of the authors and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible or liable.